Gift set "Ballet Achievament" Giselle


"Ballet Achievement" is a new format of mini gift sets to be given for certain ballet achievements, merit or in the form of encouragement. The set includes a postcard/diploma, a chocolate bar and a pin/medal. The gift set is made in the same style. Now there are more delicious and beautiful opportunities to motivate, support, and inspire little ballerinas.


Visiting the performance "Giselle", learning the dance of Giselle and any other achievements associated with this performance. There are many reasons to support children. Create your own excuse. This set is not tied to a specific achievement.

The initiators of the award are teachers or parents. The gift is presented in a solemn atmosphere at the ballet school or at home. The pin is attached in order of importance on a satin ribbon from top to bottom. The priority is pins/ medals received at the ballet school.

Ribbons with awards are supposed to be worn at solemn events at a ballet school or at home. A pin/medal for a separate achievement can be used as an accessory or addition to the image at school, theater, at home at your own discretion.

Before the solemn presentation, the teacher or parents must sign the postcard / diploma and indicate the name, surname of the recipient, the name of the achievement and indicate the date. All postcards/diplomas are kept as a family heirloom in a separate home album of "Ballet Achievements" or in a ballet corner. The collection of gift sets will be constantly updated.

We wish all the children and their parents great achievements!

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